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  • Convicted

Esvetlana CramerLast Updated: July 2, 2024


Scranton, Pennsylvania

Insurrection Related Information

  • Present at Capitol on 1/6

Litigation Details

  • Arrested in Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • Sentenced on Jun 1, 2024

Litigation Details

Case File:



  • Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds
  • Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds
  • Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building
  • Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building

Timeline of Litigation

  • Charged

    July 25, 2023 "Complaint filed - 07/25/2023"
  • Arrested

    Scranton, Pennsylvania | July 31, 2023
  • Sentenced

    June 1, 2024 "Sentenced to 24 months’ probation 60 hours’ community service $500 restitution"

Sentencing Details

  • Parole/Supervised Release: 24 month(s)
  • Community Service: 60 hour(s)
  • Fine/Restitution: $500

Affiliated People (1)

  • XbvNUVK4dw7PelCe7cmJVA_AUlRDMPs6fNShuhDngss.png
    • Arrested

    Steven Barber

    Litigation Status
    • Arrested in Scranton, Pennsylvania

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